COVID-19 Policies

Our first priority at Lash House Aspen is the safety of our clients and artists. Although we have always practiced high sanitation standards, we have implemented new policies in guidance with the CDC and state and local authorities. Please read our below policies and procedures as they will impact your next appointment.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Be on Time

We are being very careful with our scheduling to minimize people inside the shop. Please arrive on time! If you get there early – wait in your car and come in at your appointment time.

Wash Your Hands

Please wash or sanitize your hands immediately before your appointment.

No Extra Guests

We are limited to the number of people we can have in the building and cannot allow for any extra guests.

Cancel if You're Sick

If you’re feeling sick please cancel your appointment. We will be lenient on our cancellation policy for illness. Please cancel with as much notice as possible.

Masks Required

This is a state & county requirement and to keep our clients and artists healthy.

No Food or Beverages

Please finish your drinks and snacks prior to your appointment.